Muhammad | Annual Seerah Conference
Muhammad: The Universal Prophet for a Universal Ummah
The Annual MCF Seerah Conference is our marquee event in which the entire Sacramento area Muslim community comes together for a day of commemoration of the Seerah and gain inspiration to revive our Iman and love for the prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him).
Hosted by MCF and joining us Mufti Mudassir Owais, Imam Ammar Shahin, Dr. Mohamed Najeeb, and Imam Yousef Hussein.
He spent twenty-three years spreading the message of peace and justice. Have you spent enough time to know him?
He endured years of famine, torture, and suffering to give you a better life. Would you do the same for him?
Program Details
1:00 pm: Meet and greet
1:30 pm: Duhr
1:45 pm: Seerah Conference Starts
5:00 pm: Maghreb
5:15 pm: Dinner
6:15 pm: Dinner Close (will not serve dinner after 6:15 pm)
** Respite care will be provided **
Please *pay for the dinner* online at the following link:
Please note that food ordering will be closed on Friday, *January 13th, at 9 pm*.