Ramadan Workshop
Ramadan Workshop by Sheikh Mohammad El Zahed
Date: Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
Time: 4:30 pm (Asr to Isha)
With Rajab ending and Sha’ban starting, Ramadan is less than a month away.
To prepare for this spiritually transformative time, MCF has organized a workshop on February 26th from Asr to Isha including dinner.
We encourage attendees to bring a friend to collaborate and share progress as the workshop offers spiritual, physical, and mental benefits for Ramadan preparation.
Join our workshop to set goals from Sha’ban onwards for a blessed Ramadan. Define, track, and periodically review your goals with a buddy or on your own. Register now to analyze your current situation and achieve your goals!
Babysitting available
Attendees will receive a $5 coupon toward dinner purchases from Habibi’s food truck!
Habibi’s Grill Food truck will be at MCF on Sunday, 2/26, from 5 pm to 9 pm to serve food for the Ramadan Workshop participants.
Food ordering is open to anyone attending the Ramadan program or not!